Chrysalis Extended Diplomas to be launched in 2021

Chrysalis students who qualify from our counselling course are entitled to join the National Counselling Society as an Accredited Registrant.(MNCS Acc.) This is the main level of registration on the Society’s Accredited Register, and, while no further advancement is needed to practice, some opportunities are only available to members who have achieved the next grade, called Accredited Professional Registrant. (MNCS Acc Prof.) This grade requires additional training and experience and is usually gained a few years after initial registration.

Chrysalis is pleased to announce that in 2021 we will be launching a range of extended Diplomas designed to further develop our existing main counselling course, which are constructed to allow entrance onto the NCS’s higher grade and meet its criteria. Chrysalis graduates will have priority on these courses, and full information will be given in early 2021.