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CPD Workshop (7-Hour CPD Workshops)


On this workshop you will learn about:

  • Definitions and types of Boundaries (& why they are so important)
  • How professional boundaries fit with Professionalism & Ethics
  • How professional boundaries are created and maintained
  • How to recognise how & when boundaries might be transgressed & what to do
  • How to consider and apply learning to fictitious case studies

Learning Objectives:

Learners will be able to define and consider the importance of boundaries within the scope of professional, ethical practice; identify the different types of boundaries and recognise their importance and have insight to how boundaries can be transgressed.

Learners will be able to apply knowledge to fictitious case vignettes and have options to consider should boundaries become compromised.

Content of the day will include:

  • Professionalism, Ethics & Boundaries
  • Link with Kitchener’s (1984) 5 ethical concepts
  • Continuum approach
  • 9 types of boundaries
  • Types of boundary transgression
  • Creating Boundaries
  • Maintaining Boundaries
  • Warning signs / the danger zone
  • Keeping safe - what to do if boundaries are at risk

Case examples / discussion…when & how things can go wrong


Rhianan Lowes will be your tutor for this workshop.

To view Rhianan's NCPS profile please click here.

Book Your Place

Your Details
Your Address
Workshop Date
Please provide details of your counselling qualification
Payment £90.00